Robin: Queen of Plegia
Former tactician and chief advisor of Ylisse
After the defeat of Grima, Robin rejects her birthright in favor of serving as Chrom's advisor. However, she soon finds herself trapped in a scheme that forces her to make a decision to leave this position and travel alone. During these travels, she meets with unexpected twists and turns that lead her into a position she never thought she would be in.
Rise of the Queen
After choosing Chrom to deliver the final blow to Grima, a guilty Robin decides to serve him in hopes of restoring the damages from the previous wars and the Grimleal inflicted onto the world. She soon receives the proposal to become the queen of the ruined nation of Plegia by Chrom, being the rightful heir, but she refuses, believing that she is ill-suited for the position.
Instead, Robin adopts the position of Chrom’s chief advisor. It is here she spends a brief period guiding the restoration projects with her plans. Due to her foreign background and suggestions to support the neighboring country of Plegia, Robin earns the suspicion and ire of the court. It inevitably leads to a plot against her, which forces Robin to resign. Lacking a job and tormented by her guilt, she chooses to travel the world to see things with her own eyes. Throughout this journey, Robin discovers that Grima continues to reside inside of her. This discovery devastates her. She becomes troubled by the idea of becoming a monstrous god as her father wanted her to be.
To counter these thoughts, she busies herself with doing good deeds. Robin aids the people she meets, going as far as to disguise herself to assist those in her birthplace of Plegia. However, Grima continuously taunts her with bitter truths. He even goes as far as to possess her to commit atrocities resulting in more shame. Although her intentions are good, Robin comes to realize that she is truthfully powerless.
Realizing her vulnerability, Grima tempts Robin to pursue greater power. Understanding that nothing will change unless she does acquire this, she reluctantly pursues the path of becoming a queen. Revisiting Chrom, Robin claims her birthright. For his dear friend, he follows through with her wishes resulting in Robin’s coronation. Ylisse’s exalt crown’s a woman and beast to rule over Plegia. What becomes of the nation has yet to be written as Robin now rises to power.
Robin's Abilities
Boon: Magic | Bane: Strength
Miracle: Robin can survive a fatal blow once.
Rally Spectrum: +4 to all stats save movement allies; will act as a combat buff to recipients.
Vengeance: Half the user’s damage is added to attack. Robin’s spells become stronger with more damage.
Anathema: Anyone opponent or enemy in a 3 tile radius has a lesser chance of avoiding attacks or critical hits (-10 to each).
Demoiselle: All male allies within a 3 tile radius receive a higher chance to avoid attacks and critical hits (+10)
Pair Up: A mechanic native to Robin's game. When Robin pairs up with another unit she'll offer a combat buff to their capabilities. In this case, pairing up with her results in the following: +1 STR, +1 MAG, +2 SKL, +2SPD. The stats increase with higher support.
Levin Sword: A blade that does magic based damage.
Soothing Sword: A blade that restores a meager amount of the user’s health (10 HP).
Elemental Tomes: Arcfire, Bolganone, Arcthunder, Thoron, Elwind, Rexcalibur
Dark Magic Tomes: Nosferatu, Grima’s Truth, Goetia
Recover (Staff): Can be used to restore all HP to an adjacent ally. 15 uses
Concoction x2: Can be used to recover some health (20 HP).
Grima's Abilities
I want to note that presently only Grima has access to the following skills and abilities below. Despite Robin sharing a body with Grima, she cannot consciously access them. Accessibility will only gradually become possible through roleplaying. Additionally, Grima has access to Robin’s present skills due to tapping into her potential better than herself. Anything marked as white has a headcanon adjustment.
Dragonskin: Although lacking his true dragon form, Grima can project his power into an aura that adopts his draconic traits. One of those resembles dragon scales. They serve as barriers to aid against attacks reducing damage taken by fifty percent.
Aegis+: Can halve the damage dealt by magic, bows, daggers, dragonstones, and breath weapons.
Pavise+: Can halve damage from swords, lances, axes (includes magical variants) and beaststones
Luna: Upon activation, it ignores half of the enemy's Defense or Resistance
Rightful God: Grima’s skills have a higher chance of activating (30% skill activation increase).
Immune Status: Grima, at his current strength, highly resists status ailments, but can still be inflicted with them. Examples include poison, paralysis, sleep, and et cetera. At full power he is immune.
Dark Spikes: The fell dragon can summon purple spikes of different sizes from the ground that do a varying amount of damage.
Recharge/Renewal: When sustaining an injury, Grima is capable of gradually healing the wound. Critical injuries take longer than small injuries.
Resurrection: Grima is capable of resurrecting an individual with their soul and mind intact as they once were. It consumes a large amount of power and requires the death of an individual to be recent with a body present and more importantly worth his time.
Expiration: An attack with strong raw power and range. Due to not possessing his dragon body, he is unable to use the breath variant. Instead, it is a more intense version of Dark Spikes that can cause plenty of damage to both surrounding and foe alike.
Artwork Credits
Artwork by @gimkamres04
Source to the artwork used in this Carrd: here
Header and Pinned Artwork on Twitter page by Abe Tsukasa @abetsukasa
Source: Sousou no Frieren (illustrator)
Icon on Twitter page by @gimkamres04
Source to artwork used: here